Talk Sex with Teens


STAN WEED AND THOMAS LICKONA (PDF; Chapter in M. Kenny, Editor, Sex Education, a 2014 international handbook).

An in-depth analysis of the rival approaches and conclude there is stronger evidence supporting abstinence/risk avoidance education.

A 16-year-old girl told her mother that she and her boyfriend “love each other” and want to express that by having sex.

What could this mother have said?\

Article from Peabody Journal of Education: The damage done by the sexual revolution; evidence of abstinence programs that work.

For parents, teachers, counselors, and young people themselves: why to wait (and why some kids don’t).

20 tested ways to create a schoolwide culture of kindness and respect.  In this approach, “respect” is defined as respectful behavior toward every person, not “correct attitudes,” because a truly inclusive respect for diversity includes respect for diverse moral and religious conscience.

Most young people still dream of being happily married someday—of finding someone they’d like to share their life with.
But before getting romantically involved with someone, see how they do on this 20-question character test.


For an overview of cutting-edge approaches to character education, browse this user-friendly, full-color report on our College Center’s 2-year study of 24 diverse, award-winning high schools in every region of the country. The report provides clear, concrete examples of more than 100 promising practices, organized around 8 character assets that contribute to a flourishing life: (1) critical thinker; (2) diligent and capable performer; (3) socially and emotionally skilled person; (4) ethical thinker; (5) respectful and responsible moral agent; (6) self-disciplined person pursuing a healthy lifestyle (including premarital sexual abstinence); (7) contributing community member and democratic citizen; and (8) spiritual person crafting a life of noble purpose. The conceptual framework and school and classroom practices emerging from this study have since been used by high schools and also adapted by middle and elementary schools.

Good questions bring out the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of another person and help us get to know them.

How to explain why the ultimate intimacy belongs in the ultimate commitment—and signs that more young people are delaying sex.

Chastity is “sexual goodness.” From a common-sense perspective, it means making ethically good sexual decisions, ones that do not put self or others at risk.

From a faith perspective, chastity means using  the gift of our sexuality according to God’s plan (it’s for marriage—a teaching shared by the major world religions).

In practice, common sense and a faith perspective both lead to the same conclusion: Don’t gamble with each other’s health, heart, and happiness—or

with the welfare of a child you might bring into the world. True love waits.

These two chapters, from the book Sex, Love and You (Tom & Judy Lickona, with William Boudreau, M.D.), describe how to form and maintain chaste romantic relationships—and find true love.

Here are various ways to assess whether your character education efforts are making a difference. 


I CAN’T SAY THAT! GOING BEYOND “THE TALK!” (2019) Equipping Your Children to Make Choices About Sexuality and Gender from a Biblical Sexual Ethic”

Gender Identity. Pornography. Hook-up culture. Same-Sex

Attraction. Masturbation. Abuse. 

These issues are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what our children are being forced to navigate at increasingly younger ages. As a parent, are you leading your family in conversations, so that your voice is the first one they hear on these sensitive issues? Do you know what the Bible says–and doesn’t say–on the issues surrounding sexuality and gender? Do your children know what you believe and why you believe it? 

You are not alone if you feel as though you don’t know how and when to have these conversations. Many parents worry about having “The Talk” with their children because they are concerned about bringing it up too early, they are uncomfortable talking about sex, or they feel unprepared to answer questions that their child might ask. In “I Can’t Say That!,” Dr. Gilbert walks parents through age-appropriate conversations and teaches parents how to create a culture of conversation through micro-conversations. 

In his roles as a counselor and professor, Dr. Gilbert has heard repeatedly from young adults that they never had conversations about the complicated issues surrounding sexuality with their parents and they wish that they had. His motivation in “I Can’t Say That!” is to equip parents with the information they need so that they can in turn equip their children to make choices from a biblical sexual ethic.


Tom and Judy Lickona, with William Boudreau, M.D. 

The Lickonas and Dr. Boudreau hit the nail right on the head in this book. They address topics from a whole person point of view- medically, emotionally, & spiritually. They address common questions of teens and give the facts as well as suggestions on how to live a chaste life. This is the best book on the subject I’ve read so far. Presents the info. in a straight-forward manner and presents it in a non-judgmental way so if a person has strayed too far, suggestions are given on how to get back on track to leading a chaste life.” Amazon reader review


(For the parent/guardian and/or for the teen/tween to complete together or separately)

Go Beyond the Talk

Prepare Your Child to Make Thoughtful, Well-Informed Decisions Regarding Sex, Gender & Sexuality by Going Beyond “The Talk”

This is the first ever curriculum-based program for You the parents -AND- for Your teen and preteen to complete on their own (or with you) that can be a High School Credit and help YOU and your Preteen and Teen with a series of micro-discussions GO BEYOND “THE TALK!” – versus trying to prepare for one talk that can explain it all.


Read the site’s welcome description below:

I’m Jason Evert, and with my wife, Crystalina, I started Chastity Project to help teens and young adults discover why chastity makes you free to love. To date, we have reached more than two million people on six continents!

Why are we doing this? Because our culture is broken. All around us, teens and young adults are starving for real love but gorging themselves on the counterfeit: lust. Society promises them that they’ll find fulfillment in pleasure divorced from sacrifice, but God’s plan for human love is the only thing that truly satisfies. Even if we’ve made mistakes in the past, our hearts still desire a love that is pure. Why? Because purity alone makes intimacy possible. Our hearts are made for love, and our minds are made for the truth . . . and chastity offers us both. We are made for authentic love – love that involves a total, lifelong giving of self. It’s this kind of love alone that satisfies the depths of the human heart!

Jason and Crystalina Evert are the founders of Chastity Project, and have spoken on six continents to more than one million people about the benefits of abstinence. They have delivered lectures on the topic at the United States Air Force Academy, Harvard, Princeton, and countless other universities, high schools, and junior highs. Jason and Crystalina are the authors of more than ten books, including Pure LovePure Manhoodand Pure WomanhoodThrough low-cost resource distribution, media appearances, and seminars, Chastity Project exists to promote the virtue of chastity so that individuals can be free to love.