


Fight the New Drug exists to raise awareness on the harmful effects of porn using only science, facts, and personal accounts.

(3 min. read)

A 2023 national survey finds that more than 7 in 10 American adolescents say they have watched Internet pornography. How can families and schools protect kids from porn’s toxic influences?

January 1, 2016  –   Barna Group & Josh McDowell

Pornography is pervasive, permeating our culture from shop windows to websites, premium cable shows to smartphone apps.  Where once it was kept literally under wraps, used furtively in secret and shame, porn is now a standard feature of everyday life, seen by most teens and young adults as less morally offensive than failing to recycle.

Recovering from the trap of Pornography. Interview with Dr. Thomas Lickona

Dr. Thomas Lickona is a developmental psychologist who has spent his career helping families and schools foster good character in young people. He is education professor emeritus at the State University of New York at Cortland and founding director of its Center for the 4th and 5th Rs—Respect and Responsibility ( His books for parents and teachers includeRaising Good Children, Educating for Character, and, with his wife Judy, a book for teens, Sex, Love, and You: Making the Right Decision.


by Lisa and Jason Frost

Youth are born into a pixelated reality, where sexting, swiping, pornification, and ghosting are the social norms. In light of a trillion-dollar tech industry whose mission is to capture and monetize attention, guiding teenagers’ online interactions with rules and content filters alone is not enough. The Glass Between Us is a value-based guide for screen-driven challenges, filled with stories, interviews, practical tips, conversation starters and evidence-driven solutions to tackle the complexities of our teens’ digital lives. This book presents a new framework that empowers teens to chart new courses that lead them away from the exploitive side of the web and closer to the vision and purpose they desire for their lives.

Want a natural and comfortable way to talk to your kids about  pornography? Good Pictures Bad Pictures is a read-aloud story about a mom and dad who explain what pornography is, why it’s dangerous, and how to reject it. With Good Pictures Bad Pictures, your child will never be caught off guard by disturbing videos or peer pressure! The 5-point CAN DO Plan™ teaches kids exactly what to do to protect their young minds when they see  pornography.

Parents don’t need to wonder what to say–simply read Good Pictures Bad Pictures to your child and move forward with confidence! You can even use this book before beginning the sex talks!

Young children deserve to be armed early against internet dangers. Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. makes it easy for parents to protect their young kids ages 3 to 6. Using gentle, age-appropriate  messages, children will learn to Turn, Run & Tell when they are  accidentally exposed to inappropriate content.  Written by best-selling author Kristen A. Jenson of the original Good  Pictures Bad Pictures book, the Jr. version is a comfortable, effective way for proactive parents to empower their young kids with their first internal filter!

April 18, 2017  –   Andy Crouch

Making conscientious choices about technology in our families is more than just using internet filters and determining screen time limits for our children.  It’s about developing wisdom, character and courage in the way we use digital media rather than accepting technology’s promises of ease, instant gratification and the world’s knowledge at our fingertips.  And it’s definitely not just about the kids.

by Daniel Weiss and Joshua Glaser

Parents today are the first generation to raise kids in a digitally connected, porn-saturated world. Porn can be accessed in locker rooms, cafeterias, classrooms, and bedrooms—anywhere kids have access to digital devices. Worse yet, pornography that was once considered fringe has become increasingly mainstream. All this is misshaping children’s understanding of sexuality, stunting their capacity to process emotions, and crippling their ability to form long-term relationships.

In Treading Boldly through a Pornographic World, Daniel Weiss and Joshua Glaser offer practical and spiritual guidance for parents seeking to help their teens navigate this pornographic digital landscape. Combining the latest research with personal and professional experience to guide families into the goodness for which God created us all, the authors skillfully outline the steps necessary for parents to move beyond merely surviving pornography’s challenges onto a rewarding path where their children can truly thrive.

by Jill C. Manning, PhD

In this book, Dr. Manning speaks directly to the young people she calls the “internet generation.” With her gentle touch as a licensed therapist and armed with the truth of many years of research, Dr. Manning deftly answers some of the most pressing questions teens have when it comes to pornography. Drawn from her work with boys in her therapy practice, Manning addresses such topics as, “How does pornography affect people?” “Can pornography teach me things about sexuality that I need to know in the future?” “What do I do if I can’t stop looking at pornography?” and many more.



Culture Reframed explains:

Today’s mainstream billion-dollar porn industry provides free, widespread online access to extreme content. Much of it is degrading, misogynistic, and violent—and specifically targets young people, including children, through a variety of platforms. Culture Reframed is the premier science-based, global organization of scholars, professionals, and activists addressing the harms of pornography to youth. Through robust courses and resources, we help ensure kids build resilience and resistance to hypersexualized media and pornography. In turn, they can develop healthy, respectful, and egalitarian views of sex and intimacy throughout their lives.


Fight the New Drug exists to raise awareness on the harmful effects of porn using only science, facts, and personal accounts.

by Jill C. Manning, PhD

In this book, Dr. Manning speaks directly to the young people she calls the “internet generation.” With her gentle touch as a licensed therapist and armed with the truth of many years of research, Dr. Manning deftly answers some of the most pressing questions teens have when it comes to pornography. Drawn from her work with boys in her therapy practice, Manning addresses such topics as, “How does pornography affect people?” “Can pornography teach me things about sexuality that I need to know in the future?” “What do I do if I can’t stop looking at pornography?” and many more.



Culture Reframed explains:

Today’s mainstream billion-dollar porn industry provides free, widespread online access to extreme content. Much of it is degrading, misogynistic, and violent—and specifically targets young people, including children, through a variety of platforms. Culture Reframed is the premier science-based, global organization of scholars, professionals, and activists addressing the harms of pornography to youth. Through robust courses and resources, we help ensure kids build resilience and resistance to hypersexualized media and pornography. In turn, they can develop healthy, respectful, and egalitarian views of sex and intimacy throughout their lives.

Quit porn for good. Fortify is science-based support for lasting healing from sexual compulsivity.

We can no longer pretend that we don’t need each other to effectively resist the hyper-sexual culture we live in. Pure Life Academy is here to equip families with conversations and strategies to walk together toward sexual wholeness. We are better when we work together. These do not have to be scary conversations! Pure Life Academy’s courses help remove anxiety between family members as we come together to talk about God’s very good design for sex.