For Churches
This workshop can give you the resources you need to help you talk with kids about God’s design for the body, relationships and sex. It’s never too early to start this conversation and never too late to rediscover it.
“Live Your Life. Be Free.”
Excel, the faith-based abstinence curriculum for grades 9-12, is a Bible study resource for churches, Christian schools, and pregnancy centers. Students follow the biblical account of Joseph (Genesis 37-50) as he resists pressure toward sexual activity to accomplish all that God has prepared for him.
Leader’s Guide includes Resource CD with Power Point and DVD.
A Positive Approach To Teen Health is an educational 501c3 nonprofit organization that produces healthy lifestyle curriculum for educators in school districts nationwide and provides direct-outreach services in nine counties throughout northwest Indiana.
Since its inception in 1993, it has helped educate and empower over 200,000 teens to make healthy choices regarding drugs, sex, alcohol, and relationship violence.
They are passionate about educating youth to have strong relationships, happy futures and successful ventures throughout their entire lives.